Review by Amanda
Killer Countdown by Amelia Autin is fast-paced, full with suspense, danger and romance of course! I was drawn into the story from page one and couldn’t put the book down until I reached the end. The characters were likable, the snappy dialogue engaging and the overall edgy tone of the book made for fun, exciting reading.
The author carefully weaved in Shane Jones’ illness meanwhile testing TV reporter Carly Edwards’ will to keep a life-changing secret about Shane. Since Shane is a senator, Carly proves her strength even when the juicy news about Shane’s health is the rocket that can propel her into the spotlight. I really liked Carly as a character. She had this tough as nails vibe that does really well for her when a killer is after her. Of course Shane saves her, but her will to survive…to not panic, to not crumble shows her persistent will to stand up and fight instead of becoming a coward. Shane on the other hand is strong and courageous. Even though his illness should worry him he instead protects Carly with his life and somewhere along the way the attraction between them tips and one thing leads to another. Meanwhile, Ms. Autin has you guessing until the end about how Carly and Shane would fare with a killer out to get them. Feeding tidbits and tiny teasers like a fisherman with his bait, the author takes you down a rough and bumpy path with a steamy romance for a hot consolation prize!
Thrilling and entertaining until the end, Killer Countdown should definitely be on your reading list!
4.5 Stars