Leesa Bow

Reviewed by Helen
This is an emotional moving story, really there is a lot of heart-felt feelings running through this one, ups and downs, pain and hurt but from these emotions springs love, a deep love, but it takes time for Allie and Darcy to get there, they have a lot to overcome first, I thoroughly enjoyed this one, I hope you will pick this one up and enjoy it as I did.
Allie is a domestic flight attendant, she is quiet and comes across reserved, she lost her parents when she was just ten years old and has been bought up by her loving grandparents, her grandmother is not well at the moment and Allie spends a lot of time with her and Pops but she meets a lot of people on her flights and one of them is Darcy Rayne top football player for The Adelaide Thunder team, Footy or any sport for that matter is not Allie’s cup of tea but for some reason she is drawn to the man Darcy and cannot deny the pull that he causes.
Darcy Rayne is a player on and off the field, but he wants nothing more than being the best in football and aiming for a grand final is what he is after, but he has met the beautiful flight attendant on a couple of flights now and he feels connected to her for some reason, and he decides that he needs to be with her, although it is not easy he has been hurt before, but the pull is so hard to let go off and the sensual and emotional connection grows.
Did an old phone number and fate bring Allie and Darcy together? What is this connection that will not go away, the need they have for each is spiraling with emotion and a very sensual attraction. I have to say I really did enjoy this book even though there were times that I struggled with Allie and then I was cheering her on and Darcy yes again I could have pushed him and then cheered for him as well and yes there were tears and sighs and smiles, wow you got me invested in this one MS Bow, you pulled at my emotions and had me turning the pages, yes this is one that I highly recommend.
4 stars
February 13th 2019