The Restaurant in Pelican Crossing

 The Restaurant in Pelican Crossing

Pelican Crossing #1

Maggie Christensen

Reviewed by Helen

Another new series from one of my favourite authors, MS Christensen knows how to bring her characters to life on the pages they are older couples and her settings are fabulous, we are now in the small coastal town of Pelican Crossing just up the coast from Bellbird Bay, come along and meet Poppy and Cam.

Poppy Taylor lost her husband, Jack five years ago, they have three beautiful daughters and Poppy runs a very successful restaurant, Crossings, her youngest daughter is marring the love of her life today and Poppy realises that it is time that she move forward and look to the future, can she find love again, she is drawn to her longtime friend Cam Mitchell but can friends become lovers and not lose anything?

Cam is divorced and seeing his son marry today makes him see that he has always been drawn to Poppy and now that she has made the decision to make more time for herself will he be able to become a part of that life, he wants it more than ever.

When someone from Poppy’s past arrives on his yacht at the marina, Cam has his doubts about him and is soon researching him what he finds out could change their town forever but how will Poppy and Cam go working together so closely, their feelings are growing each day, will they find that happiness they deserve?

This is a beautiful romance that ticks all of the boxes, a beautiful setting, wonderful characters and the start of a new series. This is one that I highly recommend to any romance reader, especially if you enjoy seeing mature couples find love and happiness.

My thanks to the author for my digital copy to read and review.

4 stars
May 9, 2024 by Cala Publishing