Breaking Free

 Breaking Free

Renae Black

Reviewed by Helen

Another moving story from Renae Black the heroine in this one, Georgia Williams grew up with domestic violence before moving in with her loving grandparents she is a teacher now and has just fled a relationship that ended with domestic violence, Georgia is determined to put it all behind her and has taken a new teaching job in the small rural town of Gleneagle, she is not looking for love of any kind even if one handsome local has caught her eye a new man in her life is not going to happen.

Trent Turner has lived in Gleneagle all of his life fourth generation on the family cattle property, Turnhope he has a difficult relationship with his father after a tragedy during his childhood, what he wants is to finally run Turnhope with a loving wife beside him and children but he has not been lucky with girlfriends in the past, then he meets the new teacher Georgia and there is an instant spark, could this be the start of a wonderful future for them?

Georgia finds it hard to trust and with constant phone calls from a private number that she knows is her ex who should be in jail she is feeling a little jaded but Trent seems so lovely and kind and with her grandmother encouraging her to take a chance she agrees on a date and soon finds herself starting to trust but can she open up about her past and hope that he will stay with her, they are taking things slowly at the moment and then Trent notices the phone calls and asking questions puts a spanner in their relationship.

Will Georgia be able to finally trust Trent enough to see a future together, or will her ex cause even more problems when he arrives in town, this really is such a great story MS Black has taken the issue of domestic violence and written a story with caring and empathy and shows how hard it is to get out of the cycle that sadly is growing and how far the perpetrator will go to get their way.

I do highly recommend this one I loved Trent so much and Georgia has come such a long way, these two deserve to find happiness and love and with each other. Thank you MS Black for another fabulous story.

My thanks to Netgalley and Escape publishing for my copy to read and review.

5 stars
August 1, 2024 by Escape Publishing