'Turning the Tide' by Christine Stovell

Reviewed by Maria

I've enjoyed this. For lovers of romantic fiction, this is  a very different type of  read. Definitely romantic fiction, but with a few  extra dimensions. Published by Choc Lit, a publisher of quality women's fiction with romantic content.  First and foremost, this is a novel set in the world of sea and sailing.  The setting is a small English seaside town.   This story is very educational in a lot of ways. It has a lot to say on the subject of development too. Development should have a heart, should have people at the centre of it. There's more to life than just making money - or romance. The love story couldn't be more unusual,  though! I mean you couldn't get a romantic heroine with a more 'blokey' name than Harry Watling. She's a type of tomboy, but I see her as more elfin and practical minded in a fey sort of way. The hero is a man of the world and he's been there and done that as far as women are concerned It's not surprising he finds her different.  When they meet, the sparks fly.

A wonderful read and highly recommended.

Christine's next novel Move Over Darling is due from Choc Lit in October, 2012.

You can get a copy of Turning The Tide for your Kindle here.  Or if you live in the UK go here

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