Boomerang Bride by Fiona Lowe

Review by Nas
BOOMERANG BRIDE is a Carina Press release by author Fiona Lowe.

Matilda Geoffrey arrives at a small US town in a bride's dress carrying a wedding cake. She wanted to surprise her fiancé, whom she met online in a chat room.

Marc Olsen finds her standing in front of an empty shop and decides to help her. Then he finds out she's been scammed by her virtual fiancé.

He takes her in and offers her a job. Is it out of kindness of his heart? Or is it because something stirs in him even though Matilda is not the kind of woman Marc usually dates?

He has left the small town as soon as possible to escape the confines of familial responsibilities. After all, he was thrown into it at an early age by his father's death. He's back from New York just for the holidays but find himself sucked deeper in the responsibilities of a sick sister and her angry teenage son.

I loved the "Aussie" to "American" translations in this book. At times it resonated with me and at other times it was hilarious!

Author Fiona Lowe came up with an emotionally satisfying, sweet and witty story. It has great characters and is full of sizzling sexual tension. Yet the warmth and sensitivity she showed while touching on the subject of breast cancer and a woman's loss of self-confidence in herself after the mastectomy, was heart-touching.

Her hero, Marc, with his "Viking" good looks was delicious. The heroine, Tildy, who at first appeared scatter-brained, turned out to be an intensely emotional, tender with her big heart and quest for a perfect family. Tildy, surprisingly, was with perfect business sense and started her own business. This was inspiring, after she was scammed out of her money. Both the characters are smart and sharp-witted and matched up perfectly in this well written story.

Earlier I was recommended by a friend that, "If you want to read a perfectly crafted book with scene and sequel, goal, motivation, conflict and which flows magically- read any of Fiona Lowe's books!" and I found it to be so true in the case of BOOMERANG BRIDE!

I liked author Fiona Lowe's style. It seemed like she was writing about real people in situations that could happen. Scenarios came alive as do people with her use of dialogue and situation that help us know them better.

Even the secondary characters were all so real and truly the imaginary is so vivid, I don't believe, I've ever read a book that pulled at my heart so immediately and so strongly!

Boomerang Bride is well worth reading and I recommend it for an emotionally satisfying story.


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