A Fine Romance by Christi Barth

Reviewed by Maria

A love story set in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois, USA.  When Mira arrives at O'Hare Airport, her lift stands her up to take care of his mother, who looks perfectly okay to Mira.  Livid over being stood up in a crowded airport amid dreadful weather, Mira throws a drink on the hapless Sam.  His attempt to deliver an exquisite pastry as a peace offering ends in disaster as Mira nearly beheads him, mistaking him for an intruder.  Well, after a fantastic start like that. things can only get better.

Mira comes from the top drawer of society, rich, old money.  But she walked away from it all to prove herself.  Her thirtieth birthday is approaching and she could lose her trust fund forever if she makes a marriage deemed unsuitable by her elders.  Will the blue collar Sam fit the bill?  So what if he's a foreign trained chocolatier who can conjure up the most amazing chocolate creations out of almost nothing.  Hell Mira doesn't even like chocolate.  And Sam's obsessive worry over his mother's health is annoying her too.

This novel is primarily a romance but it is a few other things too.  It also celebrates friendship.  The close knit group of friends around Mira as she starts her new life in Chicago warms the heart.  Her best friend Ivy who called her to Chicago to manage the new concept romance story she's dreamed about for years.  There are lots of laughs on the way to the HEA and lots of personal growth on both Mira's and Sam's side, not too mention a few surprises.

Christi Barth is a new author for me, but I thoroughly enjoyed my first trip through a book of hers and look forward to many more.