Reviewed by Desere
If you have had a rough childhood and even adult life has dealt you a number of hard blows that you did not understand, it is easy to see how one can have either no faith or loose your faith in God.
But I also do know that it takes time for the reasoning behind God's actions to become clear to us, in order to understand why He wanted us in a certain place at a certain time with a certain person. And when those reasons shine clear, it is the only light we need to find our way back home.
The newest read from brilliant Christian author Hallee Bridgeman, tells the story of Melody, she meets the man of her dreams and wedding bells ring. But on her blissful day she discovers her darling fiancée is having an affair, she takes off running for a two week 'alone honeymoon". Upon her return she meets James.
James has suffered and struggled with the loss of his wife, who was tragically murdered six months ago. Melody and James connect on a emotional level that is soothing to them both and decide to have dinner the next evening. But Melody never makes it to the dinner and four years go by before she and James come face to face again, and this time he is not letting her out of his sight, only this time he has to compete for her with a madman out on a mission to kill.
The character of Melody was a wonderfully strong and passionate young woman, she has fought her way to the top of her dreams, but yes she has also lost her faith along the way. I loved how the author let God use James to bring Melody back to her faith and closer to God than she was before. The author showed that people cross our paths for a reason, and bad things happen in order to make us stronger. She also showed that when we are down God lifts us up even if we desert Him, he is always there ready to pick us back up.
The character of James was such a emotionally touching one that I felt his pain and anguish in his fight to stay close to God and not let anger toward the killer get the better of him. I really loved how the author let him find God when he was at his lowest, showing that He is ready to accept us no matter what age or what our past is, we just need to let go and accept Him.
The backdrop settings of this read varied from thrilling and exciting to caring and sweet. Each setting perfectly matched with what the characters were facing at that particular moment of the read. From the heart wrenching moment of a thrilling car chase with blazing guns to the shocking moment of truth being revealed.
The read was filled with moments of understanding, openness, self discovery, faith, love and suspense The author kept me on the edge of my seat at all times, kept me guessing as to who the killer and his evil partners are up to the very end.
The dialogue was kept in tune with the read going from kind and caring when needed, but also to dangerous and filled with words of anger when the situation called for it. The author gave me as reader a sense of calm and I could actually touch the feelings of faith and love in this read.
This authors books are quite different from the romance reads that most of us read today, she focuses on taking a realistic story and adding in Christian elements that show faith in God is what will ultimately always reign supreme and God is the One you cannot live life without. But at the same time she incorporates suspense and action with a great story line, giving me as reader a truly touching read to remember for a lifetime.
The message I am taking away from this read is no matter how bad life seems, no matter what or who comes your way, always remember God is with you every step of the way and in the end His plans for you will become clear.
I highly recommend this read for any and all lovers of reading. You will find yourself deeply moved and seeking more from this brilliant author. She delivers on every page a strong and emotionally packed read with a deep insight into the world of life and love vs faith. Once again this author has surpassed my every expectation and touched my heart, I am eagerly awaiting the next magical read!
5/5 star review
"He is the song she has been searching for"
Reviewed by Maria
This book has affected me on so many levels. I am so moved by it that I don't know where to begin this review. Me, who is usually never stuck for words! To say I'm stunned is an understatement. Friends, brothers and sisters, I never say I'm stunned by a book. Never. But I'm saying it now.
This is as taut a thriller as ever I've read. It's hard hitting and doesn't flinch from the bad stuff. Like any contemporary thriller, it's full of surprises. Explosions, bombs, bullets, missed connections, it's all there. What's not there is explicit sexual description and what is definitely not there is profanity. What a refreshing change! Hallee Bridgeman has gone and proved that you don't have to write dirty to get people's attention. That a book can thrum with sexual tension without a bed in sight. That actual evil and hatred can manifest itself on the printed page without a single swear word. And I truly believe, as a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that God raised him from the dead, that this can only be accomplished by the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Hallelluia!
I praise and thank God for the gift of Hallee Bridgeman to readers, for her awesome talent and generosity of spirit in sharing this wonderful story. The Spirit of God is definitely present here and the Word of God and it's vibrant power is continuously present.
The plot, James and Melody's story, how they meet at a juncture of their lives and fall in love, to be reunited again several years later, is compulsive and will please readers of romance. The intrigue regarding the enemies who surround them will please the readers of thrillers. How this couple walk in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, fearing no evil will please spirit filled Christian believers. It is so true - if you live in the Word of God and the Word in you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you shall be condemned.
Heavenly Father, I pray this wonderful novel will be read far and wide and help increase the faith of believers everywhere and bring faith to people who don't know the Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen!