Reviewed by Desere
Her dreams in shreds, all hope lost and feeling pretty sorry for herself, Evie takes the only option she has and heads back to her home-town to work in her mother's salon until she can piece together again the pieces of her once near perfect life.
But she comes face to face with her past, I-want-you-naked-and-screaming-my-name Matt. She faces him head on all nerves of steal, but the hurt that Matt inflicted on her poor teenage heart is still there, simmering on the surface and ready to explode.
However her sexual attraction to Matt is far stronger than the hatred she knows she is meant to feel after everything his actions from the past did to her life.
Add in mad gunman, her sister being kidnapped, a series of bad-guys out to get her and Matt determined to protect her even if it costs him his job with the elite military team HOT and you have Evie on high alert and so not ready to expected the unexpected.
And when she finds herself pinned under delicious ripped muscle and being protected by the once hero to her heart she realises there is no where else she would rather be. But Matt is not planning on sticking around, he will leave yet again and she will be left to pick up the pieces of her heart again, only this time the pain will be far worse. Can she convince him that no matter what she will follow where he leads even if it means he never comes back to her?
The character of Evie was really neat, she has lost it all more than once, I totally loved that she comes back stronger every time. No matter the bomb that gets thrown her way she gets back and up and starts again. I adored that the author lets her evolve into a somewhat wonder woman with each situation coming her way, going from cooking in the kitchen to bring down a bad ass crook to his knees in one swift move is not a skill just any woman can learn in less than 24 hrs.
I particularly loved that she lets Evie lose her strength every now and then, it showed that the tough image she upholds can crack and crumble and that she is very much only human, a tough cookie but still just human.
The character of completely swoon worthy Matt was absolutely perfectly written. The author showed that he is a true hero out in and out of the field, always ready to face danger and take action. This to me made him more real, as we all know most reads contain a billionaire hero who does and says most things real men would never do, but Matt was very real with his actions towards Evie during their years of friendship, to the point of him breaking her heart and right up to the point where he shows what he is really made off. Brilliantly done Lynn!
I adored that the author showed him as still being in the war zone even whilst standing in a salon, proving he is a true soldier always alert and ready. Really loved that he was the target and Evie the incoming RPG ready to blow him out of his boots, and completely shatter his defences.
Matt was also the key character for me in this read as he is what ultimately brings it together, with his life blending in with the life of Evie so swiftly it is as if they never parted ways. He easily goes from apologetic to lets get naked in just a few pages, showing him as the definitely 'hero now forget about me tomorrow' type.
This might sound like he is a very un-likeable character and that you would rather hit him at the first given opportunity, but once the author gets into his mind she shows with vivid clarity what the work out the field can do to even the strongest of men, his actions and reasoning's become very clear and let me in to the mind of a damaged and tormented man, who simply needs the right push to let it all out.
The backdrop settings for the scenes were action packed, thrilling, exciting and totally awesome! From the deserts of Iraq to the gator infested waters, it all was incorporated with perfection. The dialogue was hot and oh so very, very sexy! Going from dangerous and sexy to revealing and shocking and back to thrilling and exciting with effortless ease.
I do need to mention that if you prefer your hero's more pure that you keep the following in mind when picking up this read.
Soldiers are in a completely different frame of mind at any given stage and they do tend to use swear words a lot to express their feeling, it comes with the adrenaline and that fact that they are in the zone at all times thinking only of the actions needed to get out and get out a alive, even if they are miles from the war their minds are still in it.
I advise that you keep in mind that this read is as close to real life as it gets and the characters, their words and actions are very realistic so the author adding in a large amount of swear words was necessary, to keep it real.
I am taking away a message of courage, risk and hope. You need to dare to believe that when you love someone and you let them go into the most dangerous of situations that they will always have you on their mind and this will make them strong and keep them fighting to make it back to your arms.
I highly recommend this read for fans of action romantic suspense military related reads, filled with enough action,suspense, mystery and romance it will leave you on the edge of your seat, and ready to go into any contact situation just to find a hero like Matt.
I am 100% certain this read will go to the top of the best sellers list. I have in my reading experience only found one other author able to offer up this kind of kick ass, action packed, keep me on the edge of my seat read, and I am very happy to announce that Lynn Raye Harris has definitely made the team to the elite world of romantic adventure suspense authors! Kick ass writing all around!
I very much look forward to the next instalment in this series, Lynn get writing I need the rest of the team and I need them NOW!
5/5 Star review
"Putting it all on the line in the name of love, is always worth the risk"

Reviewed by Nancy Crocker
I have been waiting a while for this book to be released. And let me tell you it was worth the wait. This is one HOT, action packed, hold on to your seat ride. There's betrayal, murder, car chases, an explosion, a kidnapping and passion. What more could you ask for in a book.
Evangeline "Evie" Baker first met Matthew "Matt" Girard when she was only seven years old. By sixteen she is offering him her virginity, but soon her young heart is shattered by his betrayal. Though she moved on with her life, she never really got over Matt. Being from a small town she was left to hear nasty comments. So as soon as she was able, she left Rochambeau, Louisiana. She opened a small bistro in Florida. But this dream of hers soon falls apart after another betrayal. Now that Evie has lost everything she has returned to Rochambeau. Working for her Mother in her hair salon. Hoping to get back on her feet. Even though the character of Evie has been knocked down a couple of times, she is no pushover. Maybe naive and a little to trusting at times. But she proves to be one tuff woman.
Matthew "Matt" Girard is on leave from the Army pending a hearing on a mission that went terribly wrong. He was heading up one of the HOT " Hostile Operations Team" teams that was captured and two of his members were killed. Matt has returned to Rochambeau for his sisters wedding. Being back in town is bringing back memories, especially the ones of how he treated his best friend Evie. He knows what he did was wrong but he never could bring himself to call her and apologize. One look at her when they come face to face again after ten years and he knows she is stilling feeling the hurt his cruelty caused. This is one tuff, strong, hunk of man. One that this reader would love to have in her corner.
I loved the characters of Evie and Matt. Although at first I was pissed at what he had done to Evie, it also made the story believable because he was only 17 at the time. As you read Hot Pursuit you learn of their young friendship as children and how they were just perfect as friends. Evie was there for Matt when he needed someone the most at the tender age of 12. But then puberty hit these young friends. I think every reader out there can admit to those awkward times. But now that they have come back together it is like they were never really apart. When these two really get back together ... Oh my is it heart pounding good. But where will this leave them. He doesn't do long term. He is married to his job, and it is a job were he is uncertain if he will come home alive each time.
David West didn't just run off with the payroll from Evie's Restaurant. He also has been skimming money from Mob Boss Ryan Rivera to the tune of 10 million dollars. He also has kept detailed records of Ryan Rivera's dealings. Now he wants his records back and the mob wants the records too.
Their were lots of great secondary characters here. Including Matt's team who risked court martial, when they broke the law to help their leader.
Then there was Evie's little sister Sarah, struggling with teenage issues. And feeling abandoned by Evie, when she left home to open her restaurant in Florida. Now a night of carelessness has caused her to be kidnapped, and she fears her sister won't do anything to help.
I can't wait for the next book in the series. Lynn Raye Harris you have me hooked!
5/5 stars
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by TashNz
Hot Pursuit is the first in an exciting military series by Lynn Raye Harris.
A fantastic read filled with loads of excitement, lashings of passion and extremely likeable characters mixed in with a fab and heart pounding plot.
Evie Barker is back at home, her life in ruins, shampooing in her mothers beauty salon when her high school sweetheart and flirt from way back Spec Ops Captain Matt Girard turns up for a haircut. Hiding out back Evie feels like dying when her Mom calls her out. For Matt and Evie time stands still each remembering the last time they saw each other, 10 years ago when Matt took Evies virginity. Matt good memories, Evie not so much. She still remembers Matt walking away to join the military.
Skip forward to an evening at the lake, Matt gets up the courage to ask Evie for a dance. He can feel her pricklyness but asks anyway, also hoping to tye in an apology for his appaling behaviour as a teenager. BAM all the action explodes left right and centre. Shots are fired. Evies sister is kidnapped and Evie and Matt reaquaint themselves with each other. Once they find out Evies sister is missing they go in search. Next second Evies ex partner turns up dead. What a day!!!
Inbetween all the non stop action Evie and Matt try to accept this is a one or two night thing, just while they're in town. In the race against time to find Evies sister there's action and drama and feelings a plenty. Then Matt brings in his team and hoo-rah HELLO!
I really loved the characters, I loved the drama, the action, the loving and the sense of humor that was sprinkled throughout the story. and I loved the way Lynn used memories to build the complete story. I was hooked every second right until the beautifully written last sentence at the end.
I look forward to reading more