Allure of Siren's Song by Wayne R. Tripp

Reviewed by Shirley

Just what was the allure of the ship, Siren's Song? Was she a means of transportation for one woman to find her lost love? Was she a beacon of hope for persecuted families escaping the horrors of war? Or was she a tenuous thread between generations hiding her secrets for the chosen ones?

A discovery of the mangled twisted body of a tramp steamer from the 1940's starts an investigation into the passengers who have walked her decks. Sonia Penniwick, an orphan, believes one of the survivors could be her grandmother. Traveling to the desert to find answers along with Scott James and Christine O'Malley, his girlfriend, raises more questions than answers. Was she truly alone in the world or were there more clues they needed to find on the shipwreck to locate the answers that she seeks?

Torn between two women, Scott James faces a life altering personal dilemma. On one hand, he wants to pour all his love upon Sonia, but he knows he can't. There is a horrible secret in his past. One so powerful, it could tear them apart. On the other hand, he doesn't want his current girlfriend, Christine, but he has no choice because she knows. Not above using blackmail to keep him hostage to her side, he's forever bound to her, while desiring another. Does he have a hope or a prayer of a happily ever after?

With words, phrases, and colorful descriptions showing intense research, Wayne R. Tripp has weaved a story of intense, enjoyable reading pleasure. Well developed characters enhanced the unfolding of a delightful plot of adventure, mystery, and romance. Engrossing and entertaining, this book transports the reader to the different life styles of other eras. A real page turner.

I look forward to reading other novels written by this author.

Excellent read! I would highly recommend this book to readers of historical fiction, suspense, and romance.

I was given a copy by the author for an honest review.

5/5 stars  Could they find the secret to Siren's Song's allure before it was too late?