Hot Seal Redemption by Lynn Raye Harris - HOT SEAL Team #5

37937092Review by TashNz - 5 Stars 

Sparks are flying left right and center for Camel and Bailey, two people who would never have met had Bailey's sister gone awol and left lil Ana behind claiming Camel to be the father. 

Loved the opening of the book, it grabbed me and the story was ON!  I really loved how Lynn Raye Harris made Bailey's occupation ok and how it contributed to the story really well and how Bailey's place of occupation assisted with the story really well!  The adventure built steadily, along with Camel and Bailey's attraction to each other and I enjoyed Ian Black's appearance.  Of course, a highlight is always the epilogue which LRH, without fail, delivers another cliffhanger.  The dashing ending is edge of the seat stuff when bad guys place is busted just in time and I'm intrigued as to who the other girl was. 

Another wonderful installment and a glimpse into the lives of other favorite characters. 

Please keep 'em coming Lynn, I LOVE them!