With You in Wild Orchards

 With You in Wild Orchards

Rania Battany

Reviewed by Helen

I know when I pick up one of MS Battany’s books I am going to be swept away in a beautiful, moving and heartwarming story, one that is filled with so many emotions and real people and this one is no exception as we get to know Luna, her mother Annie and her beloved aunt Juliette, add in a lovely country town and Jamie, gorgeous but so vey guarded and untrusting and he has reasons for this, come along and meet them all.

Growing up there was pretty much always Luna her mum and her aunt that is when her aunt was here but they spent many times in the beautiful small town of Edens Valley here Juliette was the fun person where as her mum always had rules to follow that really had to be followed. On one trip Juliette convinced them all to write down a secret and then buried those secrets in a tin under a pine tree, twenty years later Juliette has passed away overseas and Luna returns to Edens Valley to find answers.

Luna is overrun with memories on her return to Edens Valley and those pine trees are on private property, and her first meeting with the new owner is not what she expected, Luna has never felt this way about someone before but he really doesn’t trust her, she ends up staying in the cottage they used to stay in and here are more memories and the more time she spends with Jamie the more their attraction and chemistry grows but Jamie is a hard person to convince that she is trustworthy after what he has been through.

Uncovering this buried tin uncovers secrets, big secrets that will change so many things in Luna’s life these secrets had been held for thirty odd years and they open up so many emotions, will Luna finally find her true self and understand her mother and of course Juliette and will she find the love that she deserves with Jamie?

I could not put this book down, it is such a fabulous story written so beautifully, Luna has a lot to cope with in her life and Rania has made me see how hard it can be to live as Luna has her whole life, I do highly recommend this book it is a gorgeous romance that had me cheering them on, the characters are real and honest and they had all gone through a lot in their lives, there were tears from me happy tears, I loved Jamie and Luna this story is going to stay with me for a long time to come. Don’t miss this one. I loved it.

My thanks to the author for my copy to read and review.

5 stars
Expected publication April 24, 2023