The Barrington Book Club

 The Barrington Book Club

#8 Barrington Series

Susan Mackie

Reviewed by Helen

I am not sure where to start with this one and I do hope I can do it justice, this is a beautiful story, not only is it about a book club but it is about friendship, support a place for the Barrington girl-posse to talk, to open up, to laugh and to share secrets, dreams and hopes for the future, to come together as one while enjoying some fabulous books, food, wine and coffee, why not come along and join them.

Rose, Meggie, Harriet and Debbie are at the cafe, Coffee is my Calling which is owned by Debbie all talking, when talk turns to a book that Harri is reading and soon they have decided to start a book club this will bring them together for a night out once a month, and with Melanie, Laura, Nicole and Francis joining them it always ends up a great night, the talk is good as they discuss the book they have read but they also discuss their lives and what is happening, and of course their pregnancies, with Rose, Harri Debbie and Melanie all pregnant at the same time this is a big discussion.

The book club is very popular and over the twelve months lots has happened they have read twelve fabulous books there is a new member of the book club Millie who has settled in so well not only to the book club but to the town as well, there are new babies for everyone to love and cuddle and then tragedy strikes, the town is turned upside down by this, but the love and support that small towns give when needed have really stepped up this time, but looking towards the future is going to be hard for a while.

I loved this one so much I have read all of the books in the series and nine of the twelve books they read. I do hope we go back there again, Barrington is one of my most favourite towns as is the people who live there, the ranks are growing with babies and new comers, Millie and Finn are fabulous characters. Be warned though you are going to need a box of tissues while reading this one, there are still tears from me while writing this review, but it is a heart-wrenching and heart-warming story at the same time, what strength, courage love and friendship does when needed and the people of Barrington have loads of it.

Thank you MS Mackie for another fabulous story in this series, it is one that I highly recommend, yes I smiled, I laughed, I cheered them on and I cried, big time but don’t miss this one and the series.

My thanks to the author for my copy to read and review.

5 stars
7th June 2024 by Small Town Publishing