Sworn to Honor

 Sworn to Honor

Sworn Navy SEAL's #2

Charlee James

Reviewed by Helen

Book two in this fabulous story filled with strong, caring heroes and woman who are strong and determined, bring them together, add danger and seriously fabulous romance a bond between friends who are more family and this is a story not to be missed.

We met Julian “Joker” Desmond and Sam Campbell in book one and I loved them both then and now we get to know them better, what makes them tick and things from their past that play a big part in how they are today.

Joker has just returned from a mission and enters a bar when a beautiful woman goes on stage with her guitar and sings her voice goes straight to his heart and he knows he must get to know her, just for one night, because that is all has to give.

Sam is a music therapist and she loves her job it brings so much joy too so many people but it can be heartbreaking as well at times, Sam is pretty much a loner because of her family and her past and thinking about a HEA is not in her thoughts but when Julian stands up for her and then asks her to dinner and then they share one passionate night, that is all it can be.

Two months later Sam and Julian meet again at the home of one of her young clients both feel their hearts beat faster, but will they find their HEA will the open up and will Julian be able to keep Sam safe when danger comes?

I do highly recommend this one it is a beautiful story, emotional, sensual, with fabulous characters, I loved Julian and Sam and am very much looking forward to more in this series.

My thanks to Tule Publishing for my digital copy to read and review.

5 stars
May 28, 2024 by Tule Publishing