Unknown Royal Baby

 Unkown Royal Baby

Annie West

Reviewed by Helen

I do love a Sheik story and Annie West does them so well and this one is no exception, it made me smile so much as I got to know Avril and Isam and see if the can navigate a few ups and downs as they journey towards what should be a beautiful HEA.

Avril is a virtual PA to Crown Prince Isam IBN Rafat, for all of his London based business and when he comes to London and they are meeting in person the desire she feels for her boss should be well of limits, she is happy with her job after the loss of her dear great aunt but she cannot control her desires and convinces her boss that one night together will be enough, but will it? Weeks later when she tries to contact him he ignores all of her messages, but why?

Isam arrives in London one year later with his minders for a meeting with Avril but things have changed for him since the helicopter crash that took his father’s life and now Isam is Sheik, and with the loss of some of his memory Avril is pretty much a stranger to him, that is until some memories start to return with their meeting and then to discover he has a daughter with her, he knows things need to change he must protect his daughter and make Avril his wife.

Avril, Isam and Baby Maryam fly to Zahdar thinking to the future, what will it hold for Avril now that she knows what happened to cause the silence from Isam, can she hope that his memory will come back and will remember the glorious night they spent together? As more memories return Isam convinces Avril to marry him but he always let her know that it will be a marriage without love, will Avril be able to live with that?

I loved this one from start to finish, Annie West bought Avril and Isam to life on the pages pushed them and pulled them as they found passion and love together in the most beautiful of settings, this is one that I highly recommend, filled with emotion, passion and such joy, many thanks MS West for another keeper.

My thanks to the author for my copy to read and review.

5 stars