Turning the Good Girl Bad by Avril Tremayne

Turning the Good Girl Bad

Reviewed by Desere

Every good girl wants a bad boy , no matter how many times she tells you she doesn't, deep down she craves the excitement of being with a sexy bad boy, who will rough her up or at least rough up her life just a little.

In the latest read from Avril Tremayne the good girl is PA Catherine North, she's all cookies and cream perfection, her hair is tightly coiled and so is her sex life. Saver that way she always says. But as I said every good girl craves a little release from the world of always being good.

Caterhine's release comes in the form of the very super sexy romance novel she secretly writes. it features her very hot and too hot to handle boss, Mr Bad Boy make my knees go weak Max Rutherford.

Then suddenly Max get's his hands on the book and starts to see prim and proper Catehrine in a whole different light. He wants to see just how bad the good girl can be, and he's planning in enjoying every minute of it!

This is the second book from this author and it was  as awesome as the first ! This author packed humor, pure romantic bliss and awesome writing into this book from the start go!

I was complete hooked to this read, the intensity of the characters was mind blowing. I adored the heroine, it was so much fun to read about how she unravels after Max finds the " dirty book".

Max was a bit of a jerk, but hey show me the boss that's not, especially when he has an overwhelming attraction for his PA!

I laughed, I cried, I yelled and I ached for these two to find their happy ever after, which when it came was as romantic as it was funny.

I highly recommend this read for all fans of romance with a twist! This author knows how to grab your attention, entraps you in her world and once you're there trust me you will never want to leave!
Brilliant work Avril!

5/5 star review
"Good girl goes bad, but will the bad have her reaching for a chainsaw to slice the bad away?"