The Trouble with cowboys by Melissa Cutler

The Trouble with Cowboys (Catcher Creek, #1)

Reviewed by Desere 

I am fairly certain that there is no woman alive that can resist a drool worthy, Stetson wearing, Jean hugging, boot stomping cowboy!

For Amy this is exactly the case, she sees a cowboy and her heart beat goes into overdrive, but she always ends up being the horse ridden and then left in the stall alone.

So when she returns home to help her sisters save the family farm and comes face to face with a very hot and sexy cowboy, the one and only I'll-make-your-knees-go-weak- Kellan, she sees the trouble coming from a mile away.

But faster than you can say Ride-em-cowboy these two find themselves trapped in the most delicious sexual encounters.

The problem, both have family issues stemming way back into the past and a future simply seams impossible, the family issues are all connected to love, and love is not something that Amy wants to set her heart on again only to get burned and for Kellan love is something he has never had and he has been doing just fine without it. But love is a feeling more powerful than any force and if Kellan and Amy can make it work then anyone can.

The characters of Amy and Kellan were both exceptionally well written. Amy was fun and very quirky. Loved that she pours her energy into cooking! Where else have you ever heard of a woman dicing and chopping celery simply to clear her head, I loved this touch from the author, it made Amy very realistic in the sense that it seems like something a real life chef might do, when not cooking simply for the love thereof.

I loved that Amy was a scarred heroine, having her heart broken over and over by her one weakness blended in perfectly with the reasoning of her trying to find her own form of male security that she never got from her father. The author showed that the harder we fall for our weakness the more we crave our weakness to be the one thing to come and rescue us.

The character of Kellan was awesome! Loved, loved, loved the man to bits( and this has nothing to do with my very own weakness for cowboys) there was just so many characteristics about this hero that made me love him. He took me from "I am going to kill this man" to "I totally love you".  I adored that he slowly but surely changes from loveless cowboy to love overflowing for everyone around him, taking away the one time playboy and giving me as reader the perfect heart stopping cowboy hero!

The backdrop settings were perfectly incorporated by the author and blended in with the read perfectly down the very last backdrop setting. So often I find that western romance reads contain a backdrop setting that is simply too glamorous or too flashy to be associated with a cowboy, lucky for me in this read it was not the case, made me love the book even more!

The dialogue had it all, fun, crazy, hot, passionate, sexy and very emotional. I found myself laughing out loud and wiping away at the tears. The sexual level of this read is hot, hot, hot, the pages practically erupted into flames between the characters and their very steamy encounters.

I am taking away a message of holding onto the past will never set you free, you simply need to find the courage to take a risk, set things right and move on, hatred festering in your heart is bound to kill any love you might have left.

I highly recommend this read for all fans of western romances written with a fun and fresh spunk! At the end of this read if you are still not a fan of cowboys and their romantic ways and you don't find yourself wishing for one of your very own, then you definitely need to have your body examined for factory failure!

I look forward to more amazing sensually sexy reads from this author!

5/5 star review
"Resisting is futile, he wants her, she wants him and it is happening right now"