A point of pride by Liz Fielding

A Point of Pride

Reviewed by Desere

When we are young we tend to fall in love very easily and not for one minute do we stop to think it could all go wrong. We tend to believe it will all be pure bliss, wedding bells and happy ever after.

So when reality intrudes the heartache is sometimes more than we can handle and we are scared for life.

And when the heartache takes on a new spin and the source of it returns in all it's glory ready to pounce and rip your heart out all over again it can quickly turn into the most vital journey of your life.

In this Liz Fielding read this is the case for Casey she falls for Gil and his unmistakable charm. But when she realizes he is only after her in order to get bragging rights for bedding the boss's daughter she is furious and takes him on, thinking just maybe there is still hope for them to get through this little disaster, but when morning comes he is gone and along with him all her dreams.

Years later Gil is back and this time around he is not the boss's employee nor is he the struggling worker he use to be and he is ready to take Casey's father's business from right under his nose, after all he was sacked for falling in love with the man's daughter in the first place so why not take it all.

But to make the deal even sweeter he forces Casey into marriage, that way he will finally have her in his bed for the taking, only when he has her he realizes that this little business no love deal is about to blow up in his face for Casey is far sweeter than he thought and he cannot seem to let go.

I adored this book from page one, I could not stop reading to find out how this will play out. Yes other marriage - old lovers reunited books have been done before but not quite with this much intensity or emotional depth with the author's unique manner of writing.

The author created sensational characters both so strong willed that the conflict was nearly as hot as the passion.

And the ending, oh my the ending was simply the perfect stuff romance reads are made of, gorgeous and so beautifully brought together that I cried my happy little tears of joy with no thought of who is looking at me and thinking why is she bawling her eyes out.

I am taking away a special message of revenge is not always as sweet as we would want it to be,yes sometimes revenge is justifiable but it still does not make it right for in the end all it will cause is more heartache and by then it could all be too late to repair.

I highly recommend this read for all fans of romance reads with that special something that will stay with you for a very long time. This is the type of book that makes me come back for more and more romance !

5/5 star review
" Revenge is biter sweet" 

**Copy provided by the author in exchange for a honest review