Defying Her Desert Duty by Annie West

Reviewed by Nas
Defying her Desert Duty (Mills & Boon Modern)
Defying her Desert Duty (Mills & Boon Modern)

DEFYING HER DESERT DUTY by author Annie West is a HM&B Modern/Presents release for October 2012.

Zahir El Hashem was sent by the supreme ruler of the desert kingdom of Bakhari with the sole purpose of bringing his fiancée back to be married. Zahir is loyal to his friend and mentor, the Emir, and would never think of betraying him.

Yet love has something else in store for him.

Soraya Karim turns out to be nothing like what he expected. The attraction was instant and incendiary. But they keep their distance. My heart wrenched when she asked him if she was doing the right thing in going back to marry the Emir and he replied, "You're doing the honorable thing."

Can they act on their attraction? Would they? If they gave in to their love, would they be dishonorable and disloyal? The heart tugging emotions evoked in Soraya and Zahir's romance brings tears to the eyes.

DEFYING HER DESERT DUTY is a story of an honorable hero, who appear uncompromising and domineering on the outside but really is intensely emotional and tender. It's also a tale of a heroine who is wholly loyal to her family and the crown, yet punched in the gut by love and its emotional consequences. Author Annie West's mastery of subtleties in relationships is amazing to read. Her characters are amazing in their complexities, their interaction and their growing love for each other.

My rating 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Reviewed by Maria

This is the latest release from Harlequin Mills and Boon author, Annie West.

Honour is very important to a son of the desert.  So what does Zahir do when he discovers that he is in love with the future bride of his master, the Emir of Bukhara, the man for whom he'd willingly lay down his life?  Soraya decided long ago that romance was a trap and that she didn't want to go there.  That's why she agreed to become the bride of the Emir when she came of age and completed her education.  So why was she feeling more and more attracted to Zahir, the Emir's closest aide?  Would she follow her heart or do her duty?

A flawlessly written romance written by a mistress (mistress?  I mean this as a compliment!)  of  the art of romance writing. The dilemma of duty versus the heart is fully explored. Full of emotion and sparkle, this is a novel which won't let you go until you turn the final page.  And I can't wait to read more books by Annie West.

5/5 stars